三个宗教性暗杀团员决定绑架二个富有的女孩发财。 在绑架女孩之后,他们逃走到森林避免被发现直到赎金被支付。 女孩试着警告男人,那里有些邪恶的东西在森林中,但是他们不听。 森林的力量苏醒并且一点一点的逼近,他们每一个人都为他们的生存挣扎……
8.0 大力水手的复仇
1.0 感应2024
9.0 海底潜伏
1.0 鬼妇2:村庄
7.0 吉隆贡
6.0 吉隆贡2
2018 恐怖简介: As the youngest child who has never known her mother, Tasya (Gabriella Quinlynn) feels lonely. Unintentionally she watched an old videotape owned by his father, Ferdi (Lukman Sardi), who had communicated with her mother's deceased spirit using Jailangkung. Tasya assembles her own Jailangkung and plays it in hopes of communicating with her deceased mother. This incident apparently raised various problems, including a catastrophic spirit. Bella (Amanda Rawles) and Rama (Jefri Nichol) join their new partner, Bram (Naufal Samudra), on an adventure to the bottom of the sea to defeat the demon incarnation that rules Angel (Hannah Al Rasyid) and takes Tasya to the occult.