Only a day after returning from the past, Batman and his allies discover that the world isn't quite the same as they left it. The entire island of Japan no longer exists and neither do the heroes of the Justice League. But before they can get a handle on what is going on, yakuza literally start raining from the skies.
10.0 恶兽
9.0 忍者蝙蝠侠大战极道联盟
2025 动作简介:Only a day after returning from the past, Batman and his allies discover that the world isn't quite the same as they left it. The entire island of Japan no longer exists and neither do the heroes of the Justice League. But before they can get a handle on what is going on, yakuza literally start raining from the skies. -
7.0 电幻国度
2025 动作简介:《电幻国度》是一部壮观的冒险片,由《复仇者联盟 4:终局之战》 的导演倾情打造。故事设定在一个充满复古未来色彩的 20 世纪 90 年代。米莉·波比·布朗(《怪奇物语》、《福尔摩斯小姐》、《少女斗恶龙》)饰演米歇尔:她是一名孤儿,在一个貌似卡通吉祥物的机器人曾与人类和谐共处、却因一次起义失败而流亡的社会中努力求生。一个夜晚,神秘而可爱的机器人科斯莫闯入了她的生活,打破了米歇尔对世界的认知。科斯莫似乎由米歇尔的天才弟弟克里斯托弗控制,而她一直以为他已经死去了。为了找回这个失散的亲人,米歇尔与科斯莫踏上了穿越美国西南部的旅程,意外结识了廉价的走私者济慈(克里斯·帕拉特饰,代表作《银河护卫队》、《侏罗纪世界》)和他的幽默机器人搭档赫曼(安东尼·麦凯配音)。他们深入隔离区,在这个机器人独立生存的被围墙封锁的沙漠角落,济慈和米歇尔发现了一群奇异而色彩斑斓的新机械盟友,并渐渐揭开克里斯托弗失踪背后的阴暗秘密。 -
9.0 宗教与黑道
2.0 老狗2025
3.0 赤血营救